On April 13th 2023 the University of Trieste,
Department of Legal, Language, Interpreting and Translation Studies,
has led the event
“Spoken easy language: Harmonising voices from complementary worlds”.
This was the first Multiplier Event organized within the SELSI project.
The programme of the event included a keynote speech
by Leealaura Leskelä from Selkokeskus, the Finnish Centre for Easy Language,
as well as presentations on the results of Work Package 2, led by UNITS.
WP2 has surveyed Spoken Easy Language (SEL)
users and professionals in Europe
and enabled us to provide a snapshot of what they find useful –
with specific hints to the stance
of SEL actors in the project countries:
Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia, and Sweden.
The event also offered presentations on language simplification,
recommendations for easy spoken language in diverse settings,
and hands-on experiences.
It involved the participation of people with intellectual difficulties
who shared their personal daily experience with language.
The event featured experts from various backgrounds
such as academia, museums,
public broadcasting, and associations of end-users.
It was an excellent opportunity
to exchange knowledge, experiences, and best practices
to promote social inclusion through Easy Language.
The event was a great success
90 people participated on-site and
49 online participants reached 9 European countries and Australia.
28 different organizations attended the event.
The event was interpreted into English and Italian
by the interpreting students from the University of Trieste.
And it was held in Plain Language.
A poster session included 10 posters
in Standard, Plain or Easy Language
presented by 7 different organisations.
The venue of the event was accessible.
A graphic recording of the event
was also made available.
It was provided by Scribing.it.
The Multiplier Event was streamed online via Zoom.
- ME1 Agenda
- ME1 Book of Abstracts
- ME1 Poster Session
- SELSI: Project overview (Tatjana Knapp) | video | slides
- Work Package 2: Needs and resource mapping (Elisa Perego) | video | slides
- Work Package 2: Italy (Piergiorgio Trevisan) | video | slides
- Work Package 2: Latvia (Irina Melnika) | video | slides
- Work Package 2: Lithuania (Agnė Župerkaitė, Justina Bružaitė–Liseckienė) | video | slides
- Work Package 2: Slovenia (Drago Brumen) | video | slides
- Work Package 2: Sweden (Ester Hedberg) | video | slides
- Language simplification and the SSLMIT: Multiple challenges, multiple initiatives (Katia Peruzzo) | video | slides
- Easy and spoken language: What can we learn from research? (Floriana Camilla Sciumbata) | video | slides
- Appunti sul tavolo di confronto sulla lingua facile [Points arising on Easy Language](Simone Belci) | video | slides
- What’s in a name? A speech pathology perspective (Cathy Basterfield) | video | slides
- Easy spoken language: Recommendations in Finnish (Leealaura Leskelä) | video | slides
- Dall’opera al racconto [From artifacts to storytelling] (Cristina Gazzola) | video | slides
- I sostegni per la partecipazione delle persone con disabilità intellettiva [Supporting the participation of people with intellectual disabilities] (Stefania Span) & Le esperienze dirette [Real life experiences] (Maurizio Sorbola and Marco Alprinci) | video | slides
- Simplification in one-way communication: Mapping the use of (Spoken) Easy Language in European public broadcasting (Andrej Tomažin) | video | slides
- Closing remarks (Tatjana Knapp and Elisa Perego) | video
Contact information
Scientific and organizing committee:
Elisa Perego (eperego@units.it)
Piergiorgio Trevisan (ptrevisan@units.it)
Laura Simonin (lsimonin@units.it)
Coordinating partner:
Tatjana Knapp (tatjana@risa.si)